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Tuesday 20 June 2023

Ultimate challenge: 7 challenges! First one is the MOST important one.

 Alas, we are in Week 2 of THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE!

Here's a list of challenges for the week. Full details below the fold.

  1. Digital detox
  2. Exquisite corpse story [Easter egg]
  3. Create your own story
  4. Goodreads 
  5. Social media fiction [Easter egg]
  6. Collaborative concept map [Team challenge]
  7. Blog makeover

CHALLENGE 1: Digital Detox

We have gone past the halfway mark. And we have been online a lot.

It’s intense, isn’t it? Well, now I’d like to challenge you to try the opposite. Go on a digital detox adventure. I don't just mean for this class. I mean in life. Turn off the Internet. Don't check email if you don't have to. Just ... live. 

The challenge:

  • Choose a 48-hour period this week when you can do a digital detox. I know that we can’t all shut down our electronics entirely, but see how low you can go. Choose a day or two when your lifestyle will best allow it.
  • Go dark in the online world. No posting. No reading. No looking. Just don’t do it. I know you probably need your phone, you probably need to send a few text messages, you may have to do email and be online for work, but cut off personal email (to the extent possible), social media, news and entertainment browsing.
  • Pick up a pen and paper. Read a book. Take a walk. Work in the garden. Paint. Visit with friends. Sleep a little longer. Fill your mind and your time with other activities.
  • When you come back to online life, blog about the experience. Did you experience FOMO? Did you find inner peace? Does the online world look different as you return to it?
The reward:
  • A refreshed mind
  • A new perspective on online life
  • A badge? Sure, why not.

CHALLENGE 2: Exquisite Corpse Story Challenge

  • Oh, this is a hidden one. It's hidden in week 6. Go find it!

CHALLENGE 3: Create Your Own Story

  • Full details are in Stories for School. Information on Week 6 Tools page.

CHALLENGE 4: Goodreads

I love to read. Who doesn't? And readers help each other out by offering reviews and recommending books, right?

Join our group on Goodreads (week 5) and:

1. Add a book to one of the internet bookshelves (fiction, non-fiction)

2. Add a book to one of the leisure reads bookshelves (fiction, non-fiction)

3. Comment on the genre discussion or start a new discussion

CHALLENGE 5: Social Media Fiction [Easter Egg!]

  • You'll have to find this one on your own! It runs through July 7, so you have time to do it if interested.

CHALLENGE 6: Collaborative Concept Map [Team Challenge]

Grab a classmate (or 3). Set yourselves up in a collaborative concept mapping tool (check out the Week 6 tool page or find your own). Choose a topic related to the class (e.g., social media concepts, social media tools, ways to use Twitter in education ... you get the point?) and develop a collaborative concept map. Feature your finished map in a blog post and write about the collaborative concept mapping process and how you might use it with students.

CHALLENGE 7: Blog Makeover

You set it up in Week 1, but do you really like it? Would you like to add some fancier bits? If so, this challenge is for you. 
  1. Grab a BEFORE screen shot of your blog as it is today.
  2. Give it a makeover! Do at least 3 things to change the look and feel. Maybe a new banner? Some new widgets? Totally up to you.
  3. Grab an AFTER screen shot.
  4. Create a before-and-after post, incorporating the screen shots and describing your makeover design journey.


  1. I am having fun with some of these challenges!

  2. Lots of good challenges here! My goal this week is to tackle at least 3 of them...1 down, 2 to go!

  3. I am also having fun with some of these challenges! What is the secret, Dr. Dennen? How did you come up with so many fun and interactive challenges.

  4. The digital detox was such an interesting experience and I wrote a blog about it, here:!
