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Sunday 18 June 2023

ChatGPT and our class

 Just for fun, I explained to ChatGPT about the challenges in this class and asked for some recommendations. Here's what I got:

Certainly! Here are five potential challenges that can help your students explore the educational potential of social media:

1. Social Media Research: Assign students the task of using social media platforms like Twitter or Reddit to research and gather information on a specific educational topic or current event. They can analyze the discussions, perspectives, and resources shared by users to gain a deeper understanding of the subject.

2. Community Engagement: Challenge students to create a social media campaign or initiative focused on a local community issue or educational cause. They can leverage platforms like Instagram or Facebook to raise awareness, share information, and engage with the community through posts, stories, or live sessions.

3. Collaborative Learning: Encourage students to form small groups and use social media platforms as a collaborative learning tool. They can create a Facebook group or use platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams to discuss course material, share resources, ask questions, and collaborate on projects.

4. Content Creation: Ask students to create educational content for a social media platform of their choice. This could be in the form of informative videos, infographics, or interactive quizzes related to a specific topic. They can then share their content, explain its educational value, and analyze audience engagement and feedback.

5. Digital Citizenship and Ethics: Challenge students to critically evaluate the ethical and responsible use of social media in an educational context. They can research and discuss topics such as online privacy, cyberbullying, misinformation, or digital footprints. Students can create social media guidelines or campaigns promoting digital citizenship and responsible social media usage.

These challenges will encourage students to actively engage with social media platforms, explore their educational potential, and reflect on the benefits and challenges associated with using social media in an educational context.

What do you think? 


  1. I think it sounds like we’ve got our work cut out for us but I’m willing to give a few of these a try. 👩🏼‍💻🏁

  2. I agree with Christine! The whole Chat GPT thing still weirds me out a bit, but in this instance, it seems to have generated some interesting activities.

  3. This is interesting. I've heard a lot of informal talk about ChatGPT. I think more than anything else people are wary about artificial intelligence and its capabilities. Like Frankie, I'm not really sold on it just yet. I don't know enough about it.

  4. This is interesting. Over the Spring semester, we had a student who presented on ChatGPT and its capabilities. It scared me a little, but hey.. technology is evolving daily! I am up for one or two of those challenges.
