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Wednesday 22 May 2024

Grading participation

 I love grading the participation logs in this class. Not only do they give me an opportunity to connect, however briefly, with each of you (and sometimes we dialogue a little bit in that space), but they also give me a chance to see all of the different approaches and connections people make with the class.

During week 1, in addition to the discussion board (the NEW Canvas discussion board --- what do you all think of that?), you've been interacting on blogs (thank you! y'all are probably the fastest to do that of any class I've taught), testing out different tools (already!), doing some extra reading and research, finding resources for your own contexts and diving down various rabbit holes.

Just wanted to let you all know how fabulous it is, and I'm looking forward to learning all about your Week 2 adventures.


  1. I thought there was something different about Canvas. I appreciate them updating some features.

    Seeing everyone's unique take on the blog was very cool. Thank you for your feedback and I look forward to more interactions ◡̈

  2. Yes, I appreciate the Canvas updates. The new really helps decrease my cognitive load. :)

  3. The Canvas discussion board changes kind of threw me off at first. I think adding the ability to like someone's reply is funny, but I can see how people may find that useful. I do like how easy it is to understand what posts replies are linked to, and to make sure you are replying to the correct thread. It was sometimes confusing in the old format to tell if you were replying to the original poster or one of the other replies.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes, Canvas is becoming more and more "social". I find the liking/thumbs-up feature useful when someone made a really good post and I have little to add:)

  4. I am also enjoying the new Canvas features. Thank you for the feedback and I can't wait to see what happens this week.

  5. I have been testing out the new @mention feature on Canvas. So far I like this new feature since now I can get a separate email notification whenever someone has mentioned me in the D-board. Previously I could only get a daily digest with all the new comments posted by everyone in the course.

  6. I am enjoying the new Canvas features and glad that I am testing them out in my Web class :)
